I sent this letter to the editor, but it wasn’t published, so I am happy to share my updated version of it here.


Today Monday, Oct 24th is our final day to vote and I am happy to see voters paying close attention to the Trustee candidates this year. Big winds are shifting the landscape of our education system and we need everyone in the know. There are radical candidates trying to undermine the foundation of equality we have worked so hard to build in our schools.


Over the past few years, I have knocked on a lot of doors while campaigning. Working the hustings gives you great insight into what the average person in the community is thinking about.


The one thing that always stumps me are the people who dismiss the value of an election. Those of us who are running are doing so on our personal time and personal dime. When we encounter people who brazenly tell us they don’t vote, it cuts deep. Democracy is fragile and imperfect, but not participating undermines it in the worst of ways.


Non-voters often state the same reasons for not exercising their right and responsibility. Those reasons are myths.


MYTH #1 – All candidates are the same.

FACT – Some candidates will do the opposite of what I will do.


MYTH #2 – It doesn’t matter. Nothing will change.

FACT – A LOT can change depending on who gets elected. For the better or for the worse.


MYTH #3 – Election campaigns are tax write-offs

FACT – Municipal elections are not tax refundable. Many municipal campaigns are financed out of personal pockets, or financed with the help of donations with no tax refund of any kind.


MYTH #4 – Our elections are flawed and participating in them only validates the flaws.

FACT – Participating in our elections is the only way to change the flaws.


MYTH #5 – It is too hard to figure out who to vote for.

FACT – That can actually be true. There are great resources on the city website: Cambridge.ca/elections.  


MYTH #6 – My vote won’t matter.

FACT – Some candidates count on non-voters to help them win. A non-vote is a vote for them.


MYTH #7 – Municipal elections aren’t important.

FACT – Arguably, municipal elections matter more than federal elections. Municipal policies affect your housing taxes, local infrastructure, social services, your children’s education and the general well-being of your community.


You may not think it’s important to vote, but those voting against you will definitely be voting.


Election day is Oct. 24th.


Get out and vote. 


Elect Trustees who care for kids. All kids. 




p.s. Today is also Diwali. For those who celebrate, I hope you enjoy all your wonderful celebrations.