The Cambridge Greens host Green Drinks on the evening of the 13th of each month. Green Drinks was originally a get-together – with both the Cambridge Greens and the Brant Greens – at a brewery, but with Covid, we moved to Zoom. On Sunday, Feb 13th, I hosted our Green Drinks Zoom with Ingrid Douglas, our Cambridge Greens President.

Ingrid and I based it on the 1973 movie “Soylent Green,” a post-apocalyptic movie set in 2022 and based on a world heavily over-populated and unable to feed itself.

We asked everyone to wear green and bring a green drink. Note: Those items might disappear on anyone using a green screen background. LOL

It was a really fun and engaging night. “Soylent Green” makes an interesting comparison with the recently released movie “Don’t Look Up.” It led to a lot of thoughtful discussion on current events and how people have responded to government Covid measures.

If you’re like me, these online forums are not your favourite way to interact, but a structured event like this can actually be a lot of fun. I share all our plans here for anyone to freely use our ideas. Let me know if you try any of them. I’d love to hear about your event.

Helpful link:

Soylent Green Online Event Schedule:

  1. 7-7:30 pm – Welcome – share what you are drinking and eating. Discuss the premise of the movie and current events.
  2. 7:30-8 pm – Share video. A first time reaction of someone watching Soylent Green, shortened to 23 minutes.
  3. 8-8:30 pm – Soylent Green Scavenger Hunt

Soylent Green Scavenger Hunt RULES:

  1. I am Queen of the World and the final Judge
  2. All participants videos must be on
  3. We will be using the Chat Room
    1. Take a moment to practise.
    2. Makes sure it says you are chatting to EVERYONE
  4. Trivia questions will go in the Chat Room & your answers will go there too.
  5. If it’s a searching question, the first person to show the item on their screen and say “Done” wins that round.
  6. First one back gets 2 points, second gets 1
  7. You may leave your seat and search anywhere you need to look.
  8. Be Creative – a good story might make up for an item that isn’t quite right.
  9. Anything goes.
    1. You may Google search
    2. You may create it
    3. You may involve others in your household
    4. You can work someone else or on your own

Ready? Let’s Go!

  1. What year was the movie Soylent Greens released? Answer in Chat: 1973
  2. What year is it set in? Answer in Chat: 2022
  3. Fill in the blank “Soylent Green is ____” Answer in Chat: People
  4. Find an item. Show us the closest green thing you can find.
  5. Find an item. Points go to the most interesting item. Show us the most reused item in your home.
  6. Soylent Green was based on a book called __________  Answer in Chat: Make Room! Make Room!
  7. The author of “Make Room! Make Room!” was ____________   Harry Harrison
  8. The year it was published. 1966
  9. “Make Room! Make Room!” was written in 1966, but what year was it set in?  1999
  10. What is the #1 issue the movie is addressing? Over population
  11. What is the word “Soylent” based on? Soy & Lentils
  12. Besides green, what other colours of Soylent are there in the movie?

Red & Yellow

  1. Find an item. Find one item in your home made up of the most recycled things.
  2. Unscramble the letters. 2 words. NORTLACH NOSHET Answer in Chat: CHARLTON HESTON
  3. Find a food in your house that looks like Soylent Green. BONUS points if you have plankton or seaweed.
  4. How is the flavour of Soylent Cola in Futurama described? Answer in Chat:

It varies from person to person

  1. Which brand made Soylent Green potato chips?  Lays
  2. Find a book in your house that was published as close to 1973 as possible. Big Bonus points if you have “Make Room! Make Room!”
  3. Find a green mug or drinking glass.
  4. The population of NY city was 40 million in the movie. What is the population of NY city today? To the nearest 10,000.  8,850,000 / 8.85 mill
  5. Unscramble. 2 words. POSTDINAY IVEMO  DYSTOPIAN MOVIE
  6. I SPY with the 3 colours of Soylent in the movie. All videos on. First answer gets it. I spy with my little eye, something that is red… yellow… green.

Good Night!

Thank You for joining our Soylent Green Extravaganza!